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What is Freemasonry?


Freemasonry as a philosophical school of instruction has inspired many men (and in other jurisdictions women) to develop themselves and society for the benefit of society without political or religious interference.
In Freemasonry we say 'we meet on the Level and part on the Square', this means as Freemasons of the worlds biggest and oldest fraternity, we meet as equals and we part as friends, agreeing on the great noble truths such as loyalty, universal tolerance and and developing individual enlightenment.
At the heart of this fraternal Order, are great Tennets or Principles which observe key attributes of behaviour. These are considered and exemplified in theatrical ceremonies of instruction, where participants reflect on their significance.


Typically arranged into three grades or degrees, the 'ritual' of Freemasons begins with the Entered Apprentice, progresses to the Fellow Craft and ultimately is completed with the Master Mason degree. There are other auxilliary Rites and Masonic Bodies, as well as positions of office which complement the Masonic experience.


Whilst we are ultimately all equal as brothers in our Craft, we have within our ranks many Apprentices, Fellows and Masters, including some highly distinguished Freemasons to the 32 Degree.


The journey of Freemasonry starts with that first step, taken by so many great men, including 'Buzz' Aldrin, Henry Ford and King George VI, it's a life changing step to take.





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